In these days the compilation of the questionnaire about environmental competences has been carried out through “EUSurvey”, a digital platform created by the European Commission for the surveys promotion.

This phase is part of the IO2 (Intellecual Output 2) of the “Green Skills at Vocational Education” project.

The questionnaire has been developed by the organizations: CEIPES – Italy, CETEM – Spain, LDT – UK and Institutul Postliceal Phoenix Asociatie – Romania who are cooperating, as consortium partners, to the implementation of the project. The survey has been designed in order to be user friendly and especially immediate in the compilation.

The goal that each partner want to achieve is to carry out the questionnaire to 250 VET students, 50 employers and 50 teachers working in the “green” sector.

Moreover, at this step, a big contribution has been given by the partner Landward Research LTD (UK) coordinator ofthe IO2; indeed thanks to its skills and huge knowledge of data processing in market research, it is monitoring the feedback obtained.

The questionnaire has been conducted as through the promotion of the link as through the communication channels created for “Green Skills” project, and, of course, by face to face activity.

Ceipes, in order to obtain an adequate number of responses from the target groups, is going to the University of Palermo, in the Architecture and Engineering Faculty to promote the project and to interview students and teachers.

There is still time to fill in the questionnaire, What are you waiting for?? Give your contribute!